OK, There is One Way I'd Vote For McCain
I've been pretty anti-McCain, I'll admit. I have
stated that I don't trust him and don't agree with most of his policies.
When forced to defend him, I've held my nose while doing so. Up until now
though, I have been adamant in my position that I would never, ever vote for
Now, I understand the "for the good of the Party" opinion... that's
why I left the GOP. I also understand the "but the other guy/girl is
worse" argument, but I don't really see much difference. And I
honestly understand that "the enemy of the Good is the Perfect" and
getting everything you want isn't always possible, but I didn't see much good
interfering with perfection.
These last few weeks have been enlightening. I've seen many fervent
conservatives start to come around and back McCain. The mood has seemed
to shift from, "We're going to get killed in November" to
"There's no way Obama can beat McCain." On the other hand, I
have not moved one millimeter, not one... until I had a thought today... a
thought that would swing me around 180 degrees and ensure my wholehearted and
unreserved support for McCain.
I want to be the next appointment to the Supreme Court. I think people
are tired of lawyers messing up the law. We need a clear, conservative
majority on the court and I promise never to waver. If something is
stupid/liberal, I'll call it that out loud and vote "NO",
overpowering the liberal minority, shaming them into voting what should be
common sense. There won't be anymore Kelo Decisions, Hamdi, or other
liberal lunacy.
Confirmation? No problem. I'm certain to get 95% of the American
people behind me (the hardcore 5% of moonbats aren't going to change for
anything since insanity is safe and pleasant for them, it's reality that's
scary) and they will rise up to force my confirmation. How do I intend to
get such a vast majority of people to support me? A little lesson I
learned over at Ace's HQ... FY, NQ. Any question asked by some idiot
(more commonly referred to as Senator) gets that as my answer... Fuck You, Next
Question. I don't care if they're asking how old I am, it's FY, NQ.
That's something the American People will support because it shows I possess
something that 99.99% of Washington D.C. doesn't... sense. Sense enough
to know that these jokers aren't qualified to judge anyone, much less a judge.
So, if John McCain wants my vote that's how he can get it. If he has any
questions... FY, NQ.
Besides, I think you'd be much better fitted to be POTUS, not SCOTUS. On SCOTUS, you'd have to put up with eight windbags; as POTUS, only you have the right to be a windbag.
Also, in terms of experience, political philosophy, and general intelligence, you certainly are better qualified than any of the troika now offered to us.
Posted by: kishnevi at 29 February 2008@20:30:21 (yQsq1)
I'd give the ABA their rating of me... zero. Or they could just ask me questions.
I wouldn't ever want to be POTUS, you have to associate with such a low class of people. I think we need a few non-lawyers on SCOTUS and every single one we have is sincere and well-intentioned, even when I disagree with them. I still don't get how this group came up with Kelo though... nobody around to say, "Wake Up!!! This is a no-brainer!"
I could do that.
Thank you for the kind words sir, you hold your own as well.
Posted by: Stashiu3 at 29 February 2008@21:17:42 (tarqT)
You've got my vote! Oh wait, I don't get to vote. I'm just one of the 'little pee-pul' too benighted to breathe the rarefied air of the upper echelons of gubmint.
Let me know when the confirmation hearing is, I'll pay good money to attend that!
Posted by: Paddy O'Furnijur at 01 March 2008@16:57:51 (DyUi6)
John McCain and the Swift Boat Veterans
Over at Little Green Footballs they're wondering:
Has anyone ever really shown that the allegations made by the Swift
Boat Veterans against John F. Kerry were false? If someone has refuted
the charges conclusively, I’ve never seen it—which makes John McCain’s
continuing antipathy toward the Swiftboaters inexplicable:
In my opinion, it's pretty easily explained. People have attacked John McCain's service with unfounded accusations of collaboration, incompetence, and covering up the continued presence of POW's in VietNam. While I am no McCain fan, these lies and smears have been debunked many times. Is it any wonder he objects to these types of attacks? Ted Sampley is an excellent example of someone who makes a (dishonest) living off the pain and suffering of others.
Even when they're true (as I believe the Swift Boat Veterans' to be), giving legitimacy to the method is galling. Election campaigns should be focused on the issues of today. If accusations like these have merit, they should be brought out at the time. To bring them out only for a campaign is unfairly prejudicial, as well as irrelevant. John McCain is not my candidate, but his objection to these types of attacks is to his credit. Now, if he'd only be as honest about his party affiliation and switch over to the Dems.
He is and that temper both helps and hurts him at times. Kerry's one too. If the Swift Boaters had lied about Kerry it would have been just as irrelevent. Constantly pointing to John McCain's POW record is irrelevent, used often to insulate him from genuine criticism.
I don't like McCain or Kerry for the things they do now, as Senators. I don't like the way they campaign. And I don't like how the MSM slants coverage favoring their own agenda. However, when McCain gets unfairly attacked by conmen or idealogues with a believing audience, I can understand him being against the method, and condemning its use against anyone.
Posted by: Stashiu3 at 28 February 2008@11:43:32 (tarqT)
But I am absolutely unable to get mad enough to spend the effort trying to defend him. Screw him, he can do it himself.
Posted by: swj719 at 28 February 2008@12:11:09 (xNyOl)
McCain has anger enough for us both, I'll let him do the defending (and keep my lunch down). This was my opinion on why he's doing it... besides being a sonofabitch that is.
Posted by: Stashiu3 at 28 February 2008@13:07:47 (tarqT)
I need to get my own blog set up. I have so much rage to purge.
Posted by: swj719 at 28 February 2008@13:43:53 (xNyOl)
I hear dressing in rags with both hand clutching bottles of thunderbird while screaming from the streetcorner works well too, but I don't much like wine, so...
Posted by: Stashiu3 at 28 February 2008@14:04:59 (tarqT)
Chelsea Clinton Stumps for MomMichelle Malkin over at Hot Air treats this with the dignity I expect (I'm a huge MM fan!) from her. I really don't like it when partisans on either side bash someone's family. The fact that Chelsea is dutifully supportive of her mother's campaign is both a credit to herself, and her parents.
I don't know what Chelsea's personal political philosophies entail and I really don't care. She's on the stump for her mom, so reporting that is fair game. Everyone should take note of Michelle's lead on this and how to do it with class.
"Maverick" McCain's Media Mauling in Motion?
As Patterico noted, Allah has been on a roll with the good stuff. As I noted earlier, McCain is going to go from media darling to main dish at a feeding frenzy from now until November. Good luck with that Senator.
Superdelegate Super Sale!!
And the hits just keep on coming in the Democratic Party primary race as Karl from Protein Wisdom posts about superdelegates receiving "campaign donations" from the two remaining party candidates. It's no surprise to me that this is going to be a bitter fight with accusations flying back and forth constantly. It doesn't matter if these accusations are even true. If they are, it's just business as usual on the Democratic Party Campaign Trail. If they aren't, it's just business as usual on the... you get the idea.
(More below the fold including credits for the various parts making up this post.) more...
No Longer a RepublicanBoth my parents are Democrats and have been all their
lives.Growing up in Detroit with many
family members employed by Ford Motor Company, or other union-affiliated
companies (Pipefitters, Steel, Truckers, etc…) makes me very aware of how
important unions are.If companies gain
too much power, the workers get shafted… big time.
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I am a Psychiatric Nurse who retired from the Army after 24 years total service. I started out as a Private E-1, made Sergeant E-5 in 23 months, then went to nursing school and ROTC to get commissioned. I am interested in politics where I lean heavily conservative, movies, music, and books. Hopefully you will enjoy what you see and come back often.
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