15 May 2008

I'm A Moron, But At Least I Can Say "No!"

Is there anyone in the world smart enough to be President of the United States?  No way, the job is too complicated.  Everybody expects you to be an expert on every topic under the sun, including the moonbat subjects.  Now, I don't study moonbat, but I recognize it when it rears its ugly head.

I'm considered pretty smart by most folks and that's great.  I'm in MENSA, mostly because I thought it would be neat to join, and that's great too.  But I'm also a moron compared to how smart someone would have to be to truly qualify for POTUS.  So every candidate pretends to know more than they do because it's expected of them.  Admitting you are less than expert on a topic will draw focus from the MSM like moths to a flame (or Rosie O'Donnell to cake).


Posted by: Stashiu3 at 21:36:01 | Comments (3) | Add Comment
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Great Advice

Someone gave me some great advice recently.  I've edited it a bit and am passing it back with my thanks, concern, and respect for the person who gave it and seems to be in need.

1.  Do more than take a break.  You need to really de-stress and not just go through the motions.  Take a deep breath.  Take a hot shower or drink some hot tea and honey.  Watch a funny movie with your kids/spouse and REALLY LAUGH.   Laugh a lot, even if you don't feel like it.  That's very important for you and for your kids, because they know when parents are stressed.  And if everything works out, it won't do your kids much good to have a sick parent.

2.  At some point, you will need to calmly explain all your concerns to your attorney(s) so, in the next days, you need to think about your concerns and write them down as succinctly as possibleFor instance, one point might be that you are concerned they are asking you for documents you provided at the first meeting because it suggests they are not careful with your documents and/or sufficiently familiar with your file.

3.  I think it's a good idea to stop blogging for awhile.  Your mind has other things to think about right now.  All bloggers blog in fits and starts and it will still be here when you're ready.

You are loved. 

Posted by: Stashiu3 at 12:26:34 | Comments (2) | Add Comment
Post contains 239 words, total size 2 kb.

10 May 2008

Getting Close To What A PMP Should Be


The article is over at Engadget, and the author thinks it's ugly.  Most of the comments disagree and so do I.  It looks just fine from here.  I like the Nintendo simulation and the SD card slot, but why on Earth does it have a camera?  They could have saved a lot of size by eliminating that.

The bulky PMP features a 4-inch 320 x 240 resolution display, support for NES emulation and text viewing, a 1.3-megapixel camera, integrated speaker / microphone, video output, USB 2.0 connectivity and compatibility with a smattering of file formats.


Posted by: Stashiu3 at 16:06:34 | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 203 words, total size 1 kb.

16 April 2008

Illegal Immigrants Pay Taxes

This article is so pro-illegal immigrant it set my teeth on edge.  It tries to make the case that having illegals is only good for the United States.

But the latest figures available indicate it will amount to billions of dollars in federal income, Social Security and Medicare taxes this year. One rough estimate puts the amount of Social Security taxes alone at around $9 billion per year.

Paycheck withholding collects much of the federal tax from illegal workers, just as it does for legal workers.

This doesn't include the illegals being paid under the table though, does it?  They're the ones who are most likely to be exploited, right?  Sub-minimum wage, no insurance or other benefits, unsafe conditions are things that pro-illegal advocates always talk about.  Why not now?


Posted by: Stashiu3 at 00:57:05 | No Comments | Add Comment
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01 April 2008

Ed Morrissey On Prison Rape

Captain Ed has a great post over at Hot Air.  Prison rape is certainly a cliché that has been a source of humor for too long.  Read the post and the comments, especially bikermailman who captures my opinion perfectly.

I’m a big law and order guy, but I also believe that laws mean something. I also believe that once someone is under the control of the state, the state has an obligation to protect the rights of its wards. Kudos on you Ed, for posting this and your attitude.

Ed's post is long-overdue in the blogosphere and should be considered "pro-law & order", not "pro-cater to prisoners".  Nobody with a felony conviction has ever been sentenced to homosexual rape... it's not an acceptable part of the punishment.

The people we put in prison have earned their way into confinement, but we have a responsibility to protect them from sexual brutality once they get there. They become wards of the community, and widespread rapes happening with our full knowledge and tacit approval makes us complicit in the abuses. Bill Lockyer’s comments showed that tacit approval, coming from the highest law-enforcement official in California. What kind of message does that send to the rapists in prison, other than they’re performing part of the duties of the state in inflicting punishment?

Well said sir.

Posted by: Stashiu3 at 10:21:15 | No Comments | Add Comment
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30 March 2008

Making The Case For Concealed-Carry On Campus

There is no better argument I can make supporting a student's right to protect themselves than to point out this story:

But Grady has been praised for preparing the campus police department. He boosted the number of training programs for officers and required they all be certified in first aid.

He had plans for various crisis scenarios, including an on-campus shooting. Grady had ordered his officers to go after a gunman immediately.

This police chief is superbly qualified and made sure his officers were too.  Plans were in place and followed.  The only people who could find fault with his performance would be anti-gun, anti-police moonbats who would say he went too far.  As a matter of fact, he moved from his previous two positions for just that reason... resistance to what he believed were necessary minimums for getting the job done.

He has doubts and guilty feelings over losing five people that day, as any good man would question himself after such a tragedy.  The fact is, he did everything he could to minimize the risk to his folks, then ran toward the sound of the guns when the murderer began killing innocents.  He is a hero in every sense of the word.

Contrast this to what would have likely happened if students were allowed to carry their personal weapons for protection.  Knowing the campus policy, instead of considering NIU a "target-rich environment", the killer may have been deterred from even beginning his attack.  If he intended to die, as it appears, then even one student returning fire would likely have limited the killing.  Even if you intend on dying, getting shot at tends to distract you from killing others.  If that student were well-prepared, and/or joined by other students prepared to defend themselves, the killer might have been stopped before fatally shooting anybody.

It's past time to allow students to exercise their right of self-defense.  If it can happen in a setting with Police Chief Grady there, it can happen anywhere there is a "gun-free" zone.  When seconds count, help is only minutes away... unless you can help yourself.

Posted by: Stashiu3 at 23:02:30 | Comments (18) | Add Comment
Post contains 358 words, total size 2 kb.

19 March 2008

The Heller Decision

I firmly believe that we have an individual right to bear arms, to protect ourselves, our family, our property, and our liberty.  The arguments have been made and Patterico has links to both the audio and the transcripts.  Go over there to check them out, along with the linked early analysis from Jan Crawford Greenburg.

I hope to see Patterico's analysis soon.  Must suck to have a day job. 

 (just kidding Patrick! sort of... heh)

Posted by: Stashiu3 at 00:37:46 | No Comments | Add Comment
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24 February 2008

Military Recruiting

I've never been interested in sales, so I knew that I should avoid recruiting duty if at all possible.  I could talk with potentials about the positives and negatives, types of duties, financial aspects... just as a recruiter does.  What I would have a problem with is closing the deal.  I have too much respect for personal choice to pressure someone, something a good recruiter (or salesman) must do at times.  I would also have a problem with signing up someone who was likely to screw up.  I know that's the wrong attitude.  The military can help someone who is struggling get control of their life, develop self-discipline and maturity, and otherwise stop being a screwup.  But most of us have had occasion to say, "The recruiter who signed this dirtbag up should turn in a stripe.", or words to that effect.  I didn't want to be that guy.

The way recruiting works now, military members (enlisted and officers) get pulled from their specialties and become salespeople for 2-4 years or so, depending on how they do and how much they like it.  Meanwhile, their specialty goes forward while they lose proficiency.  How they perform as recruiters affects their career, and in the case of sharp operators that downright suck at sales, very negatively.  Even if they do well, "punching the ticket" rarely makes up for the loss of proficiency and currency within their usual specialty.

What I'd like to see happen is that recruiting be contracted out.  There are several large personnel companies that are capable of handling it.  You can still detail active-duty military to recruiting since meeting and talking with our military folks is the best advertising.  Just make it for 4-6 months of temporary duty near their hometown (or another open station-of-choice, don't send them where they don't want to go... not for this.)  They can still get their ticket-punch, recruiter badge, down-time to attend school or stabilize family, etc...  all without losing currency in their specialty.

For the contractor, a graduated payment system will ensure a good mix of recruits and not just warm bodies.  Figure out what a fair compensation is for signing up someone who will make it through their first enlistment.  The contractor gets paid 30% when the recruit successfully completes their basic and advanced individual training.  Payment of another 25% if the recruit completes their first year post-basic and AIT.  The remaining 45% gets paid at the end of four years, no matter how long the active duty commitment .  The actual total payment, percentages, and when distributed are for example only.  When MEDCOM was negotiating the contract for TRICARE, there were tons of people involved, not just a retired nurse spitballing.

I've talked about this with several folks over the last 10 years and every one of them liked the idea.  Why didn't I ever submit it to the "echelons above reality" that might act on it?  That's a great way to become the "project officer"... I've already said I'm not a salesman.  Anybody want to try?

Posted by: Stashiu3 at 23:10:00 | Comments (15) | Add Comment
Post contains 510 words, total size 3 kb.

23 February 2008

Professional Sports on Television

My wife says that I can be extremely stubborn.  I call it principled (I just call it that, it's mostly just being stubborn.)  One of the problems with that is when I tell a business that I won't patronize them again, I really won't.  Ever.  For example, Office Max is on "the list" because of a customer service rep I dealt with back in 1995 or so when I purchased a defective computer desk.  So here it is, 13 years later and I still hold a grudge stick to principle.  "The List" is pretty long actually (it includes Target, John McCain, Rosie O., Jane Fonda, Michael Moore, the Dixie Chicks, anything with a Sheen in it, and CNN to name a few), but there are only two things on it that I really wish weren't there.

Professional sports is a business also.  When baseball went on strike, I had no beef until the World Series was canceled.  That made it clear to me that both the players and the owners were more interested in the money they made than pleasing the fans who gave them their money and I haven't watched a game since.  After the 88-89 NBA lockout, I gave up on professional basketball.  The NFL was spared banishment from my TV simply because I completely missed their strike in 1982 (I won't say alcohol was involved, but I won't say it wasn't either... just sayin').

So essentially, I only like watching the occasional NHL game (go Red Wings!), and the NFL (go Lions! please, just one season, go Lions!), Golf, Soccer, Tennis, MMA, Darts, Bowling....... ok, if I'm watching TV it's almost always sports.  Just not pro basketball or baseball.  It's the principle.

Posted by: Stashiu3 at 07:06:31 | No Comments | Add Comment
Post contains 289 words, total size 2 kb.

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