10 May 2008

Isn't It Time They Got A Real Job?

People must get addicted to protesting.  Or it's a social function.  Maybe just a mental illness.  Whatever it is, they just can't seem to give it up.

"People walk past and say, 'I'm glad you're doing something,' " said Marty O'Malley, a Forest Hills council member who has attended more than 100 anti-Iraq war events, as he stood in front of Democratic U.S. Rep. Mike Doyle's Downtown office last week with the small gathering of activists.

"I want to shake them and say, 'Why aren't you doing something!?' "

Right back atcha Marty.  There were only three of you and nobody remembered to bring the petition?  FAIL!

"[The candidates] are talking about Iraq," said Tom Andrews, a former Democratic congressman from Maine and the national director of Win Without War. "Unfortunately, the press coverage seems to be more focused on lapel pins than on the war."

That should tell him that the war is going very well thank you.  If it wasn't, the media wouldn't let 30 seconds go by without saying something about it.

"Please think about this. It's important," Lynne Flavin, 60, of Lawrenceville, told passersby. She held a blood red sign that said, "Support the Troops. End the War."

Few people gave more than a glance.

I try not to look crazy-folk in the eye when I'm on the street either.  Maybe she should wear funny clothes too.  Draws my attention involuntarily sometimes, might help her.

"People have a profound concern about this war," said Mr. Casey, a supporter of Mr. Obama. "If there's anything we can all come together on, the one area of resounding consensus is that we need a new president."

Finally something I can agree with.  Oh, you mean he didn't realize Bush can't run for a third term?  Typical Obama supporter I guess.

Posted by: Stashiu3 at 14:56:34 | Comments (1) | Add Comment
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1 "Support the Troops. End the War. Win NOW!" Fixed that for her. And I agree, we need a new President. Would have loved the entertainment value of Jeb running. Oh well, always 2012.

Posted by: EW1(SG) at 11 May 2008@19:50:21 (YcNsA)

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